A gripe of my musician friends is being asked to play for free because it’s ’good exposure.’ I understood their frustration when I was recently asked to write a long article for a magazine without pay because - you guessed it - it would be ‘great exposure.’ I was tempted to reply that a free subscription to their magazine would offer them plenty of exposure on my coffee table.

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Good one! I’ll have to remember that coffee table line.

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It’s fantastic that we live at a time where writing is accessible to so many people. Yet, that unfortunately means very different quality levels and a difficulty to clear out the noise, both as an author and as a reader.

As to the question of the wages, especially in artistic fields, it is a very difficult one : we have been used to have more and more while paying less and less, only to discover that it is an illusion : the price is always paid, the right question is just how and by whom ? I also think it is linked to the myth of the « gift » : artists are supposed have been born with a natural talent they are here to share for the enjoyment of others, especially since nowadays we all have access to the tools. Only, it takes work to hone that gift (especially for writers) and everyone needs to eat and have a roof (at the very very least). And that is still not payable with talent in our current societies.

Anyway, thank you for the food to my random thoughts !

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All good points, Célia--thank you. In a way, artists have been victims of the post-Romantic idea of the “genius” artist, this sense that the artist gift, as you say, is innate--whereas most working artists in all fields have a modest level of talent, which they supplement by a ton of hard work.

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In the Johnson quote, I hear the famous man grumblingly calling himself a blockhead. Yes?

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Oh, for sure!

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Eloquentia! I second all of this. The Word-Hoard is such a good Substack name. Going to check it out.

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Yes, I’m kind of annoyed that I didn’t think of The Word-Hoard first.

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I loved that word when it jumped out at me during my reading of Beowulf.

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It’s a name worth hoarding. 🙄

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John - I completely agree with your stack of the week! Sarah's workshops have been a godsend for me as I learn the ins and outs of writing for a public audience. I haven't yet booked a 1v1 with her but based on your recommendation it sounds like it is worth it. Looking forward to checking out your grad students post this morning as well.

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Thanks, Matthew. Yes, I highly recommend a meeting with Sarah. Someone with your dedication and work ethic would get a lot out of it, I’m sure.

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I agree. :-)

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