In this final Sonata, I can hear the music moving further away from the Classical style. I would say Mendelssohn picks up where Schubert left off.

I always had the impression that Schubert died of TB, but in thinking about it, I learned about Schubert from accounts intended for children, which did not specify his illness, and I suppose I concluded it was TB because that was the slow illness that killed so many in the 19th century. Looking now at the insert for my TIME record set of Schubert, it says syphilis was killing him slowly, but typhoid, being opportunistic, accelerated the end. We forget how much antibiotics have done to spare lives that once would have been cut short by such infections.

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Wonderful video that you attached. My 8yo daughter just had a piano lesson today and we were listening as she crocheted and I knitted. It was lovely to get this Schubert tutorial.

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Thanks for this. I'm on a Schubert bender right now. Love Brendel's recordings.

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